Free Download On the Art of Poetry
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On the Art of PoetryBy AristotleTranslated by Ingram BywaterIn the tenth book of the Republic, when Plato has completed his final burning denunciation of Poetry, the false Siren, the imitator of things which themselves are shadows, the ally of all that is low and weak in the soul against that which is high and strong, who makes us feed the things we ought to starve and serve the things we ought to rule, he ends with a touch of compunction: 'We will give her champions, not poets themselves but poet-lovers, an opportunity to make her defence in plain prose and show that she is not only sweet - as we well know - but also helpful to society and the life of man, and we will listen in a kindly spirit. For we shall be gainers, I take it, if this can be proved.' Aristotle certainly knew the passage, and it looks as if his treatise on poetry was an answer to Plato's challenge.Few of the great works of ancient Greek literature are easy reading. They nearly all need study and comment, and at times help from a good teacher, before they yield up their secret. And the Poetics cannot be accounted an exception. For one thing the treatise is fragmentary. It originally consisted of two books, one dealing with Tragedy and Epic, the other with Comedy and other subjects. We possess only the first. For another, even the book we have seems to be unrevised and unfinished. The style, though luminous, vivid, and in its broader division systematic, is not that of a book intended for publication. Like most of Aristotle's extant writing, it suggests the MS. of an experienced lecturer, full of jottings and adscripts, with occasional phrases written carefully out, but never revised as a whole for the general reader. Even to accomplished scholars the meaning is often obscure, as may be seen by a comparison of the three editions recently published in England, all the work of savants of the first eminence, or, still more strikingly, by a study of the long series of misunderstandings and overstatements and corrections which form the history of the Poetics since the Renaissance. Jason Nelson- Digital Art and Poetry Wonderments and Creatures Cryptext (an interactive puzzle/science fiction mystery game) and Nomencluster (a generative artwork/game created by users hand movements using poetry and science One Art by Elizabeth Bishop - Academy of American Poets Elizabeth Bishop's iconic villanelle begins "The art of losing isn't hard to master; / so many things seem filled with the intent / to be lost that their loss is no Poetrycom How Poetrycom Works! Poetrycom welcomes all amateur poets and wants to encourage your participation in the world's largest and most vibrant poetry community Images Australia - Photos Art Pictures Music Poetry Images Australia - Photos Pictures Art Poetry Music portray Australian Lifestyles Home Creative Communication Creative Communication Enter our writing contests Students get published win prizes teachers earn school supplies Poetryorg - What is Poetry Poetry Poetry (ancient Greek: (poieo) = I create) is an art form in which human language is used for its aesthetic qualities in addition to or instead of Write4Fun Poetry Short Story Art Competitions for Poetry Short Story & Art Competitions at Write4Fun "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing" Benjamin Franklin Write4fun encourages Poetryorg - Resource site for poetry and poets Poetryorg is a resource site for poetry and poets Here you can learn about the history meaning and types of poetry as well as terms often used when reading and History of Asian art - Wikipedia The history of Asian art or Eastern art includes a vast range of influences from various cultures and religions Developments in Asian art historically parallel ArtNet (also known as "Art on the Net") (Also known as: Art on the Net) Join fellow artists in sharing art from the source the artists themselves We are Artists helping artists come online to the Internet
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